Miserable Old Bastard


BNP on Question Time

Well it looks like Nick Griffin is set to appear on Question Time of an evening sometime soon.

The move has caused consternation among politicians, with some Labour MPs and at least one cabinet minister pledging to boycott Question Time. They fear the BNP will use the publicity to promote a racist agenda.

The change in policy has also triggered dissent within the BBC. One senior correspondent, who did not want to be named, said: “It’s barmy ... Public servants can be sacked for membership of the BNP and yet the BBC wants to give them airtime with the main political parties.”

My first instinct is to say that perhaps with a few less Labour politicians on QT, we might get some actual answers from their replacements! Mind you, with that said, they will simply be replaced by Tories and Lib Dems so I shan't hold my breath.

I actually suspect that there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. The BNP are currently in bother over their whites only membership policy, which means the BBC will be dying to jump on this and use it as a holy pedestal to promote their own multi-culti, Labour inspired agenda.

Put simply, I don't for one minute believe this is anything other than BBC self promotion. But I do chuckle at the lies and pretence!

As for us proles, it simply means we get another one-eyed wanker to rip the piss out of.

As a sidenote, don't you find it hilarious reading the comments on the Daily Mail? Gems such as "Much as I hate the BNP, they're democratically elected, yarda yarda yarda". If they hated them as much as they say (hate is a strong word, after all), they wouldn't want them around at all!