Miserable Old Bastard


Is it Just Me, Or..?

A typical British disabled parker.

Do there seem to be a hell of a lot more "disabled parkers" these days?

On my travels about the town centre this morning I noticed that about 1 in every 15 cars seemed to have a disabled sticker in the fucking window. They get thrown about like fucking confetti and I think I know why.

Either the NHS isn't all it's cracked up to be or somebody is lying.

Having seven fucking bellies propping up your fatty tits does not make you disabled! It makes you a FAT BASTARD!!

The government is contantly pretending to "crack down" on obesity. But on the other hand they totally reward it by handing out disabled stickers to people who are so fucking fat they can't walk 10 yards without those horrible smelly sweat patches spreading from their underarms down.

And besides, isn't this the same government that keeps telling us all to start spending? These thieving part time minke whales will simply spend the money they save on parking permits on fucking food.

You see, the government simply knows that if you don't want someone to do something, you pay them for fucking doing it! Still, once the fatties have all died off, there are still smokers, drinkers and people with freckles for them to pick on.

My answer to it all is to simply let people get fucking fat. But let them live with the fucking consequences too. Stop paying them to eat!

I'm going to get fucking fat as fuck. The government are seemingly offering me every incentive.