Miserable Old Bastard


Population Growth Problem Solved

Here's a list of points I think would sort the problem of the growing population (plus the deteriorating quality of society as a whole) out.

Now, does anybody in politics have the guts to do the following? Remember, whoever does will be branded a racist and a bigot, despite the fact none of these are actually racist or bigotted acts. Might make most people a bit bloody happier though.
  • Get out of the EU. Return to self governance.
  • 10 year ban on all immigration. ALL immigration.
  • Current immigrants who have been here for 6 months or longer and still can't speak English to a conversational standard to be deported.
  • Current immigrants who commit crimes here to be deported.
  • Stop child tax credits for more than 2 children.
  • No free council housing for single parents under 24.
  • No free council housing for those with no work history.
Simple fucking pimple. Did I miss anything?