Miserable Old Bastard


They're Saying it Already!

Yes. They're already talking about bloody Christmas.

Nobody in the press much (some twat at work, actually), but you know those dopey cunt parents who think it's a status symbol to go over their fucking Platinum Card limits to pay for shit their cretinous fucking kids won't ever use just so they can brag to another dopey cunt with a fucking Platinum Card about how they spent more on their own fucking cretins. *Oh the shame*.

It's just a big dick competition, but with small plastic things that'll be fucking useless next year. Wankers spending money they don't have on shit they don't need.

I wasn't a kid that long ago and I was grateful for a pair of fucking socks and a discoloured orange. Today's cunty aspirational parents are doing their absolute best to make sure their own spazzy four eyed kids know exactly how to overspend and create the next personal debt disaster.

And when they do, I'll be fucking waiting for them.

All cunts.