Do read both versions. Dick Puddlecote's offers some proper fucking analysis!
Fuck the fuck off, you control freak, lying, corrupt, licence extorting, "bend over a desk and take one up the fucking jacksie off your political masters" wankers!
BBC are shitters!
You should add some cunt words too. They would deserve it. What a wicked misuse of maths for own gain. It's like making a graph with only two set of coordiantes. You can make the graph show what ever you want. And with such little reseach material you can get almost anythig out of the statistics. Like the case of the good police work in Copenhagen. A statistic showed that the number of stolen horses had droped by 100 % in the central Copenhagen since 1900. How knew?
I personally don't trust a statistic unles it is myself that has counterfeited it.
One should almost start smoking just to piss them off.
But on the downside, if you were to start smoking it would mean giving those grasping bastards money and falling for their little plan.
Too late for me I'm afraid!
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