Miserable Old Bastard


James Gordon Brown is a Cunt

But we all knew that anyway, right? Well, if you're in need of further confirmation, read this point well made over at the Constantly Furious blog, regarding what happened when Snotgobbler met the real heroes (that fat piece of shit isn't fit to lick their fucking boots!).

It also links to an article pointing out this small fact (quoted below).

A traffic warden's basic wage is £17,000. The basic starting salary for some soldiers is £12,572, and under new rates a serviceman or woman of private rank earns at least £16,227 plus a £2,320 tax-free operational allowance. Considering soldiers are working in the most dangerous of roles, they do a superb job, and deserve to be rewarded for it!.....

Fucking brilliant! Although we all knew collecting revenue for Labour's fat fucking coffers was far more important than putting your life on the line for Labour's phoney democracy war.

Trecherous cunts.

Spend With Us if You Want to Live!

I always get curious whenever "research" appears on the scene stating the benefits of a certain expensive pill or supplement. I don't know why, of course. I mean someone only stands to make a fucking packet out of such a claim!

Here's the latest live-until-you're-250-card:

British scientists have developed a groundbreaking pill which provides all the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet.

One capsule of Ateronon taken daily can break down fatty deposits in the arteries and help prevent heart disease and strokes, potentially saving millions of lives.

The supplement, which costs £35 for a month's supply, contains lycopene, a chemical found in the skin of ripe tomatoes.

I am a cynical cunt and whenever one of these articles starts doing the rounds, I find myself wondering in whose best interests it would be, and which previous "research" it completely contradicts (will look into this further).

Why can't the media just accept the fact we're all going to die, regardless of how many fucking happy pills we pop.

Shit happens. Let me drink, let me smoke, and fuck the fucking fuck off, you grasping cunts!

Mass Immigration - The Big Squash

Clapham High Street - 2026

An interesting and relevant article from the Telegraph:

And all but the most blindly obsessive enthusiasts for immigration recognise that such a level of immigration would mean that the whole of the South East would have to be concreted over, and the effects of squashing so many people into such a small space would make life intolerable for everyone.

Note that this is not a judgment on the cultural benefits or costs of immigration. It's simply an expression of the widely held opinion that it would be awful to have to live with that many people packed in together.

Even the projected population of 70 million people by 2028, most of whom will be in the South East (where the jobs are), is not a particularly enticing prospect. Yet no one in the Government is planning to do anything to stop it happening.

Still, as long as Alan Johnson doesn't lose any sleep over it. Same old Labour - when you piss the locals off, just import your fucking votership and hope the pesky natives just leave.

Useless cunts.

How to be a Lefty Liberal - Part Two

Some more traits illustrating exactly how to be a fashionable trendy faux liberal:
  • Hate George Bush no matter what. You don't know why you hate him, or that his administration contributed more aid to Africa than any other nation. You just know that you hate him.
  • Love Barack Obama no matter what. And use the historical aspect of him being the first black president to mask his shortcomings. Accuse anyone who questions Him of being racist.
  • You still think the Tory Party are evil and you somehow see significant differences between them and Labour that nobody else does.
  • You think all white working class people vote BNP. All of them.
  • You claim to support both gay rights and Islam, but are only willing to discuss anti-homosexual crimes committed by followers of religions apart from Islam.
  • You think the same teachers who struggle to teach children how to spell their own names are qualified to provide sex education.
  • You slam the management culture of private business, whilst blaming the failings of public sector organisations on lack of funding for better management.
  • You criticise existing laws left over from the last Tory administration, but refuse to question why Labour haven't changed them.
  • You think Nelson Mandela was jailed purely because he's black.
  • You attend anti-war demonstrations whilst wearing camouflage combat trousers and don't see the irony.
  • You dub the BNP far right when they are actually far left.
  • Whenever someone criticises the Cuban regime, you shout "free health service" and quickly change the subject.
  • To avoid debate on man made global warming, you simply state: "The science is settled".
  • You then change the name of man-made global warming to "climate change" in a feeble attempt to blur the boundaries and cover all bases. After all, knowing full well the climate will always change ensures you'll always have a march to attend.
  • You don't recognise that your climate protests are simply providing governments with the perfect excuse to raise flight taxes, which affects those same materialistically unwealthy people you claim to care for so much.
  • You turn a blind eye to Hamas attrocities perpetrated against their own people.
  • You are rarely pro anything, nearly always anti. The only exceptions being "pro choice" and "pro [insert buzzword here] rights". You are anti everything else in the world. Ever.
  • Your most prized possessions are your iPod (full of angry music, I might add) and your Blackberry. Yet you claim to hate materialism.

That will be all. Oh, and if you can think of some more that I should add, leave a comment :-)

How to be a Lefty Liberal - Part One

I have made many observations as to how to be a faux liberal commie wankstain. So I hereby unveil some of said observations, and hope you find them useful in recognising a truly uneducated hypocritical cunt of a supposed liberal when you see one.
  • You believe that only white westerners can be racist.
  • You believe that businesses cause poverty, and governments create wealth.
  • You believe that prison doesn't work, and the real deterrant to crime is being taken on a free fishing trip and having someone make excuses for it.
  • You believe everyone should have equal outcome, regardless of input.
  • You think the CO2 from Al Gore's private jet is harmless, but that of Ryanair and EasyJet will cause the Maldives to fall to the bottom of the sea within the next 6 weeks.
  • You are in inherently prejudiced towards Israel and Jews and accuse them of stealing the bodyparts of Palestinian children.
  • You think the war in Afghanistan is justified, and is about instilling democracy and women's rights (not likely under Sharia, but you don't like to split hairs).
  • You believe taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand is a viable form of contraception.
  • You claim to be socialist, but you send your children to a private school.
  • You support legalising class A drugs but are absolutely, totally anti-smoking.
  • You're passionate about forcing everyone to use energy saving lightbulbs, but you believe everyone should have broadband in their home and at least one energy guzzling computer each.
  • You believe "poverty" is the root cause of psychopathy.
  • You pontificate about the horrors of Western slaughterhouses whilst saying nothing of Halal methods.
  • You think America was responsible for 9/11.
  • You have to believe that everyone who comes into the country from abroad is somehow a victim.
  • You throw bricks throw bank windows in protest of their bonus culture, but say nothing of MP's expenses.
  • You applauded Geert Wilders being banned from Britain, but say nothing of Islamic extremists and believe they are the products of British prejudice and exploitation.
  • You think the British recession is America's fault.
  • You reject the fact that communist man-made famine in the USSR and China DID take place. You blame it on bribed right-wing conspiracy theorists.
  • You think the BBC is fair and unbiased.
  • You pretend to believe terms like "Happy Christmas" and "Happy Easter" are offensive.
  • You openly and catagorically slam big businesses for basing their HQs offshore to avoid tax, but ignore the fact that Bono does the exact same thing.
  • You are wealthy and always have been, but are convinced you're qualified to speak on behalf of the poor, despite having never known anyone poor.
  • When you can't list any significant benefits to mass immigration, you brand those against it "racist" and hope the attention shifts from your failing argument.
I will follow this up with more in future.

That will be all!

We Are All Thick Wankers Now

Biased BBC picked up this little gem in The Times earlier. Seriously, anyone up for a protest march? If it's good enough for those fucking green wankstains, it's good enough for licence fee payers.

I think the first three paragraphs tell you just about all you need to know about this monstrously overgrown, arrogant socialist hangover of a broadcaster that we have to tolerate rather than enjoy (if we're to watch any TV at all, that is).

The BBC will not disclose the salaries of its top stars because the public would not understand why they are so high, according to one of the corporation’s top executives.

Jana Bennett, head of the BBC’s television channels, said that members of the public could not fully comprehend the complexities of the television industry or contribute to the debate about the pay of stars such as Jonathan Ross, who is reported to be on a £6 million-a-year deal with the corporation.

Speaking as part of a panel on presenters’ fees at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, Ms Bennett, director of BBC Vision, said that BBC staff deserved to be treated differently from workers in other areas of the public sector.

The BBC are different how exactly? In that they give us fucking biased crap and we take it? I'd say that pretty much goes for most of the public sector. It's not a differentiator.

Arrogant deceitful cunts.

Army Are Still (Mc) Doomed

A lot of emphasis has been put on Snotgobbler's recent "surprise" visit to Afghanistan and his sending of more troops, not least by his luvvies at the BBC.

However, I find myself wondering when organisations like the BBC are going to start placing more emphasis, if any at all, on articles like this.

What do we think?

Troughing Gorbals is a Lord

Apparently Gorbals Mick is to be "punished" for his self-serving, toughing ways by being given a peerage (thanks to All Seeing Eye for picking up on this. It bypassed me completely due to the lack of coverage in the mainstream media).

We all knew it'd happen though. After years of troughing vast sums of our fucking money in expenses, selling many souls, trying to fix up his cretinous cunt of a son with a safe seat and sucking Gordon Brown's knob, this is simply the final fat troughing place for a fat troughing cunt.

Fuck the fucking fuck off, you money grabbing, moral selling wanker.

Homer Simpson's Night Out

Never let impending doom get in the way of a fag break (photo source: Daily Mail).

Remember those bits in the Simpsons where Homer describes his night out, whilst all along you get to see flashbacks of what really happened?

Well, at fucking "climate camp", these nutters try to convince us they're saving the world, when in actual fact all they're really doing is littering, smoking, dressing up and dodging the shower cubicle for that little bit longer. Not to mention catching the odd photo opportunity. It's just another fucking Glastonbury to these wankers.

I mean for fucks sake, they couldn't even find the right fucking skyscraper to vandalise. Thick fucking bastards.

Fuck the fucking fuck off.

Well I Never Would Have Fucking Guessed...

...But it seems the Lockerbie bomber (or non-bomber, depending on your view) was set free to Libya for the sake of a bit of oil exploration in a deal heavily involving the Labour government.

The British government decided it was “in the overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom” to make Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, eligible for return to Libya, leaked ministerial letters reveal.

Gordon Brown’s government made the decision after discussions between Libya and BP over a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal had hit difficulties. These were resolved soon afterwards.

The letters were sent two years ago by Jack Straw, the justice secretary, to Kenny MacAskill, his counterpart in Scotland, who has been widely criticised for taking the formal decision to permit Megrahi’s release.

The correspondence makes it plain that the key decision to include Megrahi in a deal with Libya to allow prisoners to return home was, in fact, taken in London for British national interests.

There you have it people. Now, where are the glaring headlines and non-stop coverage of "Labour Sleaze" on the fucking BBC? "Oil for letters", anyone?

Oh, and to finish off (and also from The Times), is the apparent fruit of one of Mandelsnake's various visits to the Rothschild's yacht. Not even the Tories had the utter fucking temerity to go this far...

Fucking scum.

Cunt Watch: McShit

This man simply does not ever learn or listen.

People say they want the troops pulled out of Afghanistan, so he goes and sends more. Perhaps if he spent ALL of this money on new equipment for the existing troops (rather than the outdated shit we all know he'll send) we wouldn't have the prospect of so many more coming home in boxes.

The truth is, he does not know what this war is about so he can't have the faintest clue as to how to win it. They tell us it's about democracy and women's rights, but they forget that in FORCING democracy on a people, you are yourself being undemocratic. With all the resources Afghanistan has, it's a shithole only because so many of the people there LIKE living in a shithole. Leave them to it. Oh but wait, there's oil...

What I don't get is how the thick-skinned fucker of McDoom finds the utter temerity to laugh and joke with the serving troops (during his surprise celebrity visit) when he doesn't so much as show his face at ANY of the funerals of those who come back dead for his immoral, unwinnable war.

Apart from Islamic extremists, human rights lawyers, criminals and thieving cunts, who the fuck does actually vote for Labour? Come on, out with it. Clense your soul once and for all.

McShit is a fat dense vote losing unelected cunt. If only he could lose those votes a bit quicker.

Origins of Cunt

I found the Wikipedia entry for the word "cunt".

I thought it appropriate what with the amount of cuntage that appears on this blog.

That is all for now.

No Real News, Obviously

The perpetually offended brigade never seem to have a day off. In fact I am stroking my chin wondering whether this article is actually serious or is in fact a piss take aimed squarely at the politeness Nazis ("TV Advertising Decorum and Taste Tsar", anyone? Gordon? You fat cunt.).

If someone says something is offensive, then therefore it must be offensive to everyone, right? Period.

My answer to Peter of the Grauniad? If you don't like the fucking adverts, then don't watch the fucking adverts!

Some quality aren't-I-nice-because-my-heart-bleeds-for-all-and-yours-doesn't-so-you're-fucking-scum quotes jump out at me from this article, here goes:

"However on this occasion, my girlfriend, who is Ukrainian, turned to me and said: I don't like this advert, it is very offensive to me." I mentioned it to a friend who said his Latvian lodger also found it offensive"

Look at them all! Everyone who is anyone has a token Eastern European friend! Does anyone know if they're collectable? Or are these Lefty types just after some extra thermal vests from people who actually know what it's like to have real snow? What happened to global warming?

Oh, and Alan Partridge has a Ukranian girlfriend too (quite tasty actually), and he reads the Daily Mail.

"I asked my girlfriend why that might be. She told me that people from eastern Europe were brought up in a society where it was not normal to complain"

That's because they were fucking communist, dickwad. Anyone who complained was taken to a dark room and shot.

My opinion to all this? Well, fucking cabbage offends me but my mother still made me eat it. This isn't racism. This is desperation.

So Peter, fuck the fuck off, you miserable cunt.

Weekly Vintage Cuntage

Round up of stories either by cunts or about cunts. Enough fucking fuckage here to validate me getting fucked (on booze that is, not down an alleyway).

I've seriously had enough.


More Behavioural Masturbation From Green Zealots

Take a look at this article in the Daily Mail (not least to see climate change fascists doing to the police what they'd squeal long and hard about having done to them).

Look at the words on the banner in the first photo.

Then decide what you think the agenda of these people really is.

It ain't about white fluffy polar bears with big brown eyes, that's for sure.

For When Granny is in the Room

Go on, pull my finger ;-)

If She Could See Us Now...

I wonder what Harriett Harperson makes of this little piece of overseas news.

Those flowery lovelies.

That will be all :-)

McShit Still on Fucking Holiday...

...And now we know why.

Bob Ainsworth is Still a Cunt

The alleged "Defence Secretary", Bob the Knob Ainsworth, refused to so much as send a letter of condolance to his friend whose son died in Labour's war. Of course, after a national fucking newspaper intervened he changed his tune. Not early enough to avoid being outed by the Mail though.

Still, he's not the only one.

He is still a wig-wearing-not-fit-to-shovel-shit cunt though.


Mandleson *Hearts* NHS

Call me a cynic, but didn't the whole Mandlesnake-goes-to-hospital thing happen bang on cue for a bit of ministerial talking up of the NHS? It's also a very handy distraction from the fact he met up with son of Gaddaffi just a fortnight before the release of the Lockerbie bombing suspect.

I do not trust the ground this man walks on.

I Am Happy

Fucking Brilliant!

The Trouble With the NHS

A very succint and well written article which I believe makes real inroads into getting to the bottom of the problems with our National Health Service.

Cunt Watch: Alan Duncan

Alan Duncan is a cunt of the highest order. Even when you get past the somewhat sensationalist doom-crash-death reporting of the Daily Mail, he still very much appears to be a hypocritical moaning cunt of the highest order.

Fuck the fuck off you whinging toff knob.

BBC Twattage - Again

I am on a roll now, and thanks to Mr. Vance over at Biased BBC I now have another thing to sleep on regarding BBC bias in my drunken state!

I find myself wondering why so little understanding is afforded to Christians and Jews (in fact, frequent bashing is offered to Christians, especially American ones), when a full article is devoted to the trials and tribulations of Ramadan on the BBC website.

This is the BBC. They and people like them do far more to actively promote racial and religious hatred than the Daily Mail ever did....

That will be all!

Fucking Do-Gooder BBC Cunts. Again

I'm just listening to a cracking debate on Radio Five Dead (albeit I'm pissed out of my face on white rum!). Some sanctimonious cunt of a woman is practically giving a bollocking to a caller for administering a bit of discipline to her children (i.e. the caller's point was smacking as a very last resort is OK, which as a matter of safety to a child, I agree with). I will link to this arrogant middle class bi-atch's fucking rantings once the program is available.

What I really don't get, is how you're supposed to avoid laying a hand on your child, say if he/she runs out into the road? Bearing in mind the right-on woman in question seems to think any physical contact is *wrong*, presumably it's OK to just let your kids run out onto the M25 and get splattered by a juggernaut? What the fucking fuck?!?!?! Ok, let them get run the fuck down. See if that bloated bunch of cunts at the BBC gives a shit.

The BBC is full of fucking shit and fashionable moral highground (well, fashionable amongst your Islington faux-liberals, which last time I checked didn't make up a great deal of the pissing populace). If only they would apply the same rigid right-on restraint and self disicpline to themselves and their cunting expenses.

Fucking die BBC, you stinking fucking offal.

Lunchtime Essential Reading - Failblog

Despite all the world's ills, I always like to take time out to find a handy distraction. Sadly, whisky and lie downs are prohibited at work but this makes for some amusing lunchtime reading (at other people's expense, I might add) ;-)

This Man Simply Is Not Fit...

...to lick the boots of the heroes who fought and died for this country in World War II.

Gordon Brown talking about courage is enough to make me want to smash my fucking screen.

Piss the fuck off, you weakminded bullying cunt.

Introducing Commie Cunt

I collect rare cunts.

So for your fill of educational links to twatting fucking commie cunts that want to destroy civilisation and reset us all to the year zero, click here for Commie Cunt.

Cheers pal.

Dog Has Shit

I just went out onto the main steps outside the office for a smoke.

Some pikey cunt had just let his mutt drop a fucking huge curly logger on said steps.

Dirty fucking bastard.

Now I'M Fucking Depressed

I always knew things would get much worse before they got better.

Do enjoy it as much as I did!

Fucking Labour scum.

Labour Gets Twat Tsar

Apparently MP's need someone to show them how to press a fucking submit button.

I could do that for them at only 2 thirds of the rate.

Labour are Twitter Youtube Flickr cunts.

Troughing cunts.

Blacklisted Banned

The Citizens' Advice Bureau have banned the word "Blacklist" from correspondences and emails they circulate in their offices. Here are some more words and phrases the establishment could ban:

Blackberry, Whitewash, Yellow Fever, Brownfield, Redcurrent (we might offend sunburnt people), White phospherous, Black sheep...

You get the gist.

The Citizens' Advice Bureau "management" are language stealing cunts.

What Fucking Mission?

Notice how all the difficult questions, or indeed any real questions at all (i.e. what is Labour's fucking mission in Afghanistan anyway) are omitted from this tasty piece of BBC brown nosing.

Would someone please tell me, what exactly is the point of Bob the Knob?

Fuck the fuck off you big wimpy bitch.

Patriotism 101

After some dickwad called Burnham declared Daniel Hannan's criticisms of the NHS "unpatriotic", I thought I'd post this link I found on Letters From a Tory.

Not long before the telescreens...

Cunt Watch: Union of Fascists

From last weekend (this blog didn't exist last weekend, although this is worth noting despite the age of the story).

The irony is just so lost on these commie-inspired, government funded, inherently fascist and bloody minded cunts.

Kick the fuck out of someone for disagreeing with you? Oh, definitely. That's fucking di-mok-ra-cay, right? Burn a British flag? I thought you cunts were fucking British. Join this fucking useless bunch of wound up menstrual fucktards and get your free assault pass today.

Unite Against Fascism are violent hypocritical cunts.

Fuck the fuck off.

BBC Does What It Does Best...

...wasting our fucking money on crap, that's what.

Defend this, you carin' sharin' lefty "spread-the-fuckin'-wealth" cunts!

There Are Circumstances in Which Beating the Shit Out of a Politician Can Be Justifiable

Click here to find out why.


Labour - Change We See

Possibly the smallest PR campaign in the world, ever. Period.

On the campaign's Flickr page I counted all of FIVE different photo contributors - one of whom is discreetly named "Labour". Not a bad turn out for a country with a population of pushing 65 million.

Don't forget to send a picture of your best dole queue shot!

Labour are useless YouTube Flickr cunts.

Lefties, Homophobia, Islam and Infighting

The beliefs of left wing luvvy faux-liberals jump around like a fucking smackhead at a Motorhead concert.

In between intense sessions of deep throating the Religion of Peace and Love, they like to spread the message of opression and prejudice directed towards the homosexual population. But why do none of these professionally blinkered cunts actually bother to offer prominant reporting spots to incidents like this?

Study the Left, listen carefully to them, and realise they're the biggest fucking contradiction on earth. Then consider what these "peace and love" cunts really stand to gain from all this.

That will be all.

So Fucking Angry - Again!

Yet more action in the land of fucking pikey. This time a couple of fucking benefit scrounging, misbehaving, lying, pissed up, vandalising racist cunts accusing all-and-sundry of being racist cunts. Un-fucking-believable.

What I struggle to get my head around is the fact that people who choose to live in this way (i.e. like fucking thieving scum) get to have their own fucking "race". What the twatting fuck? Does anyone accuse those who slate bankers or businessmen of racism? Didn't fucking think so.

Cheers Labour, you fat cunts.

BBC Fucking *hearts* The NHS

The fucking Beeb have been in full attack mode over Dan Hannan's criticisms of the appallingly run tickbox-driven monolith that is the NHS (an NHS run by the people who actually know about the pressures and demands of front line care is a different issue altogether).

In reading the article, I notice some smart, almost derogatory use of language in order to subtly make its point. First up:

"Labour has stepped up its criticism of Daniel Hannan, who waded into the debate over Barack Obama's health bill."

"Waded"? What you mean he actually barged in wearing fucking wellingtons and a fishing hat? That's Hannan successfully made to look like an arrogant dictatorial cunt (...or, the Tories secretly want to leave Americans to die by defending their filthy capitalist health system). It also states that Labour has "stepped up" its critcism of Hannan. This incident only happened yesterday, for fucks sake! For criticism to be "stepped up" would insinuate that Hannan has always been under fire, which is the second subtle "The Tories are out of line with the British population" hint.

Next we have this:

"He has stressed that these are his own views and not those of the party - but they were backed by fellow Tory MEP Roger Helmer, who told BBC Radio 4's PM programme: 'I think Dan has done us a service by raising these issues which need to be looked at.'"

Look, Dan's lying! The fact he says they are his own views before being backed up by another Tory suggests a division in communication tactics, but a sense of unity in sentiment regarding the NHS. Fucking smart on part of the Boshevik Broadcasting Corporation, right??

And finally:

"And he [Health Secretary Andy Burnham] hit back at criticism that the government had not done enough to defend the NHS from attacks in the US."

Those nasty Americans! "Attacking" our health system... But not just any Americans, these are anti-Al-Ubama Americans (i.e. religious right nutters).

Reading the rest of the article, it becomes apparent that the BBC's narrative is that anyone who goes against Bollock Hussein Al-Ubama's big socialist dream is a shady conman (read below the heading "Duped") OR they are simply insulting the good front line workers that most people, myself included, respect a lot.

One critical question is missing from this appraisal for me - nobody seems to ask why Hannan would ever present such views. Only Cameron's rubuttal is presented, and this merely serves the purpose of making the Tories seem divided.

The Boshevik Broadcasting Corporation. Biased as fucking fuck with no alternative views allowed.

Wholly publicly funded cunts who don't represent the public as a whole.


Pointless Tossers - And I Don't Mean Labour, Lib Dems or the Tories

I got to work this morning, as per the usual routine and opened the window due to the air con being fucked yet a-twatting-gain. The best time for air con to be fucked is in the middle of August.

Well what do you twatting know! One of these pointless cunts crashes in through the 6 inch gap, no doubt after a bit of Mr. C's muscular batty, I dare say.

We had a standoff. After around 10 seconds it vacated my computer keyboard and loosely pursued me around the office before the quick thinking Mr. C gave the fucker some of this:

Turns out this shit just makes them go all insane and hyperangry (much like a Hamas terrorist who has just caught fire or a pikey in Primark). I then got stung twice. Fucking fucker fuck fucked.

That will be all!

Cunt Watch: George Monbiot

George fucking Moonbat, or whatever his name is, doesn't seem to have much in his locker when it comes to variation in his subject matter:

He does occasionally involve himself in other aspects of protecting the world's populace from repression, hurt and doom, but for the most part he's just an arrogant middle class name-calling cunt.

Fuck the fuck off and get a job.

Shut it.

(P.S - Do watch this video on Google Videos putting together a rational case for doubting these useful-idiot-Al-Bore-loving-motherfucking-cunts).

What The Fucking Fuck!

Looks like attempts to clean up politics haven't worked.:

Don't forget to tell your wife you love her.

Same to You, McDoom

Somebody, somewhere, once upon a time in a remote (possibly sheep molesting) district of Scotland voted for this CUNT.

We've already said we were sorry about Oliver Cromwell.

Gordon Brown Calls Himself a Cunt on YouTube

This one just has to tickle you, surely! (Video courtesy of GrumpyOldTwat. Enjoy!)

Some Gentle Persuasion Needed...

Apparently some Mancunian folk have expressed mild miffedness at the presence of the flame haired hater of all things financially honest. People say politicians are out of touch! I say bollocks!

Quoting Hazel the chipmunk, here's the moneyshot:

'This kind of thing has happened to many people in Salford. I think it was just kids on a hot afternoon with nothing better to do.'

So Hazel? What the fucking fuck are you going to do about that? Answer that question and people might not smash your fucking car up.

Piss the fuck off, you old bat.

What a Moron

It's always funny when some smart cunt gets one up the arse, so to speak. Take a look at this.

Fucking innocent as fuck, I'm sure! And here was me thinking such stupidity was only reserved for the Labour Party.

The Day We Caught The Train

Chelsea fans are cunts. It's fucking official, OK?

I just got stuck on a train full of these semi-neanderthal thick Chelsea supporting shits and I'm not fucking happy about it. Listen pricks, if your team wins the tinpot teapot Charity Shield, averages combined with recent history tell us you'll fuck up in the Premier League.

So stop singing, swap your beer for a glass of cyanide and fuck the fuck off back under that rock you were all created under when Adam and Eve got pissed up on booze. Just like you, you cunts.

Cunt Watch: Jay Hunt

This week's cunt is brought to you by our very own Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation:

Jay C(H)unt is just another troughing fat controller at the Labour Party's brainwashing arm. It seems all you have to do to survive this minor economic downturn is start a half-arsed media consultancy before proceeding to get your big tool into this sultry old bitch. Perhaps the BBC isn't as anti all things male as they let on.

As an observant sidenote, Mr. C doesn't approve of this woman, but for an old bird she has half decent tits.

So, what are you going to be spending YOUR licence tax on this year? I think mine will be going on booze and cigarettes personally.

Choose Labour...

Choose Labour.
Choose no job.
Choose benefits.
Choose a broken family.
Choose a fucking big TV licence.
Choose expense scams, ASBOs, guns and the European Union.
Choose state control, CCTV and a police state.
Choose extortionate mortgage repayments.
Choose an overpriced home.
Choose Lose your friends.
Choose stealth taxes and overpaid councillors.
Choose some thirty pieces of silver from F. Hinds with no fucking value.
Choose the BBC and wondering where the fuck Britain is on a Sunday morning.
Choose sitting on that couch watching multicultural climate change reports.
Stuffing overpriced organic food into your mealy mouth.
Choose euthanasia at the end of it all, pissing your last in an understaffed, overspent NHS hospital.
Nothing more apt for the selfish fucked up brat your parents spawned to replace orgies and communist marches past.

Choose no future. Choose Labour.

Any suggestions as to things I've missed?

The Coffee Shop

Anyone who knows Mr. C knows that he is rather partial to a good old fashioned strong coffee. Anyway, during my lunchbreak I sometimes venture to a nice little kiosk run by some local fella and get myself a nice strong brew (albeit it in a plastic cup).

Today I took an ultra late lunch (like 5pm late!) but said kiosk was closed so I had to go to Coffee Fucking Republic! Well I never. Mr. C has never witnessed so much pretence since the time he visited the dingy Starbucks in Charing Cross. There they all were, middle class fucking arsewipes giving it the uber-Marxist "we're all working class now" bollocks whilst going berserk on a credit card given to them by the middle class cunt parents that decided to shit on the world in one hit by combining their cuntish fucking gene pools. What the fucking fuck?

Even more intriguing is the array of ultra expensive cream and shit they have on said coffee (I mean more cream than you could ever hope to see on RedTube). You pay an extra 3 quid for that. Of course, there's heaps of do-gooder lefty shit they could do with that 3 quid (charity? You vain cunts), not to mention starting a savings account (or rather sticking it up their arses sideways, preferrably having wrapped barbed wire around the coins first).

So, having bored me to death with your OTT, super loud conversation that I can hear all the way from table 3 about how you were "considering suicide" over some fucking break up or other, how does it feel to know that your thick fucking anarcho-commie self is feeding the corporate beast you profess to hate? I mean I don't give a fuck, I like capitalism. But do you have to make it so fucking easy for me to loathe you, wishing you'd just eat shit and die?

Let's just agree that you agree with me when I say you're a hypocritical fuckwad, OK? That was some fucking coffee...

"Peace man"...

Shoppers From Hell

You'll never guess the what's upsetting Mr. Cunt tonight... Yep, I just went to the fucking supermarket.

Anyway, here's a list of things I fucking hate about fucking supermarkets:

What the fuck is so fucking super about them?

So I get in, I'm through the main doors and I grab my basket (The MOB doesn't buy in bulk...). Off I head towards where the oatmeal bread ought to be when all of a sudden I'm obstructed by some fat shit with a large trolley deliberating over which fucking variety of fucking Mighty White he wants to buy. I mean what the hell? There's about 6p difference between the two, just pick the one up that's closest and fuck the fuck off. It took me a full 2 minutes to get my loaf and even then all I plan to do is insert uncrunchy peanut butter between the slices and take the sorry fuckers to work, by which time they'll be squashed and crumpled like an unironed cotton t-shirt fresh out of bankrupt stock.

Fat Wankers

Why is everyone in the alleged supermarket so fucking fat? I used to subscribe to all that bullshit fat people told us normal people about their metabolism, hormones and whatever other excuses are in fashion this week according to the fucking Guardian. Have you seen how full their fucking trolleys are with cakes and shit? Don't beat about the bush, bollocks - you eat shitloads and do no fucking exercise. That's why you're so fucking fat.


We have these quaint buildings in England called pubs. Usually old buildings with signs on them as well as a blackboard denoting a menu and drinks list of some kind. This is where we socialise after work, not the pissing delicatessen isle of fucking Tesco. Get the fuck out of my way, piss off home and watch your preferred choice of prime time reality shite on fucking television (with subtitles to explain the dumbed down shit if necessary). Fuck the fuck off.

Old Age Pensioners

Listen, I know you're ready and waiting in God's waiting room, have paid your taxes and worked 40 odd years, but does the average dentist put his/her patients in the fruit and veg isle of Sainsbury's? No, and neither does God. So stop stopping here. Stop blocking off the food that's going to hopefully NOT help me live as long as you (without being anything like as irritating, to boot) and piss off to the local coffee morning. Failing that, there's a bargain basement Shearings coach holiday to Hastings. Go on it and don't feel obliged to come back. This town sucks, you're better off dead.


Seriously, why don't you cunts just eat shit and fucking die? There's always some cunty chav fuck with a garish pink pushchair in the way of the multi pack Twix bars I'm trying to get to as part of my non-nutritious breakfast. Take your shitty fucking benefits kids with stupid fucking names with you, cash your fucking giro and fucking die. While you're at it, get the fuck out of my way and let me get to the fucking whisky. If you feel as bad as you look, do me a favour and spend my taxes on organic facial products so you don't look so fucking ugly. Fuck the fuck off.


Listen, you're fucking 15, so don't ask me for ID unless you want this otherwise perfectly functional, shiny, glistening Jacob's Creek (bloody good brand) bottle propping up your left earlobe. I know you've got a duty of care to "society" (whatever that bullshit is) but I've got a carpet growing out of my fucking nose. Do you seriously think I'm underage??? Oh, and is a driving licence not ID anymore? Where's that fat cunt Jacqui Smith when you've got a pissing question at 5:30pm? Piss the fuck off.

Cunt Watch: Phil Woolas

This week's winner is Immigration Minister Phil Woolas, a Gurkha hating goofy four eyed cunt with a red face and a spasticated facial expression. What a big bitch.