This man simply does not ever learn or listen.
People say they want the troops pulled out of Afghanistan, so he goes and sends more. Perhaps if he spent ALL of this money on new equipment for the existing troops (rather than the outdated shit we all know he'll send) we wouldn't have the prospect of so many more coming home in boxes.
The truth is, he does not know what this war is about so he can't have the faintest clue as to how to win it. They tell us it's about democracy and women's rights, but they forget that in FORCING democracy on a people, you are yourself being undemocratic. With all the resources Afghanistan has, it's a shithole only because so many of the people there LIKE living in a shithole. Leave them to it. Oh but wait, there's oil...
What I don't get is how the thick-skinned fucker of McDoom finds the utter temerity to laugh and joke with the serving troops (during his surprise celebrity visit) when he doesn't so much as show his face at ANY of the funerals of those who come back dead for his immoral, unwinnable war.
Apart from Islamic extremists, human rights lawyers, criminals and thieving cunts, who the fuck does actually vote for Labour? Come on, out with it. Clense your soul once and for all.
McShit is a fat dense vote losing unelected cunt. If only he could lose those votes a bit quicker.
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