Miserable Old Bastard


Fucking Do-Gooder BBC Cunts. Again

I'm just listening to a cracking debate on Radio Five Dead (albeit I'm pissed out of my face on white rum!). Some sanctimonious cunt of a woman is practically giving a bollocking to a caller for administering a bit of discipline to her children (i.e. the caller's point was smacking as a very last resort is OK, which as a matter of safety to a child, I agree with). I will link to this arrogant middle class bi-atch's fucking rantings once the program is available.

What I really don't get, is how you're supposed to avoid laying a hand on your child, say if he/she runs out into the road? Bearing in mind the right-on woman in question seems to think any physical contact is *wrong*, presumably it's OK to just let your kids run out onto the M25 and get splattered by a juggernaut? What the fucking fuck?!?!?! Ok, let them get run the fuck down. See if that bloated bunch of cunts at the BBC gives a shit.

The BBC is full of fucking shit and fashionable moral highground (well, fashionable amongst your Islington faux-liberals, which last time I checked didn't make up a great deal of the pissing populace). If only they would apply the same rigid right-on restraint and self disicpline to themselves and their cunting expenses.

Fucking die BBC, you stinking fucking offal.