Miserable Old Bastard


Pointless Tossers - And I Don't Mean Labour, Lib Dems or the Tories

I got to work this morning, as per the usual routine and opened the window due to the air con being fucked yet a-twatting-gain. The best time for air con to be fucked is in the middle of August.

Well what do you twatting know! One of these pointless cunts crashes in through the 6 inch gap, no doubt after a bit of Mr. C's muscular batty, I dare say.

We had a standoff. After around 10 seconds it vacated my computer keyboard and loosely pursued me around the office before the quick thinking Mr. C gave the fucker some of this:

Turns out this shit just makes them go all insane and hyperangry (much like a Hamas terrorist who has just caught fire or a pikey in Primark). I then got stung twice. Fucking fucker fuck fucked.

That will be all!